Give me your geeky, your funny, your ironic t-shirts…


Today’s shirt combines two things that I thoroughly enjoy: ironic mustaches and Star Wars. It’s the Stache Tee by Squared Eye. The art is by Rogie King.

The shirt comes in asphalt grey (see above) with the outline design or a selection of white, cement grey or asphalt grey with this image:

I wish Squared Eye had more shirts in their store because stocking this one definitely shows promise. This shirt may have to be one I purchase for Dragon*Con.

Squared Eye — $20


Out of Print Clothing is a shirt company on a mission to bring books to parts of the world that don’t have access to them. Their shorts feature gorgeous prints of book cover art, some that is out of print. For every shirt they sell, one book is donated through their partnership with Books for Africa, whose simple mission is to end the book famine in Africa.

This business model seems to be becoming popular. It’s nice to see companies who are directly giving back to communities in need around the world. If you haven’t heard of TOMS, give them a look. For each pair of shoes they sell, they give one to a needy child. TOMS currently works mostly in South America.

Out of Print’s shirts, like TOMS shoes, are a bit pricier than many of their counterparts, but considering that the price of the product includes an automatic donation, I think it’s well worth it.

My favorite shirt from Out of Print:

Out of Print Clothing — $28

Hint: This shirt would go great with a pair of Ash Canvas Classics from TOMS

TOMS — $44


If your elementary school experience was anything like mine, you spent most computer classes carefully choosing your very best friends to pile into a covered wagon with you and traverse the Oregon Trail. Along the way, you hunted buffalo like a pro, forded rivers (and sometimes didn’t make it), and watched as your friends succumbed to snake bites, broken bones and the dreaded dysentery. Sound familiar? Then you’re going to need this shirt from Busted Tees.

Busted Tees — $20


Finally got my Star Fail shirt from Ript Apparel. This was the shirt from July 1st, but they sold so many that they had to do another run. I was anxious to see what kind of shirt it would be printed on since I know that Ript doesn’t use American Apparel blanks (which are my favorite). The shirt is a Tulex fine jersey shirt and while it feels a bit thin, I’m hoping I’ll like it.

Here’s the shirt’s graphic:


A geeky take on the oft-imitated 2001 shirt by Experimental Jetset (the story behind the design is interesting, click the link and give it a read).

The original:

The Trek version:

T-Shirt Bordello — $14.99


Shirt Woot! got me right in my cupcake weakness today with this cute little stripping cupcake.

Available today only for $10


What’s the Internet talking about today? It’s ThinkGeek‘s new t-shirt, the BeerBot Bottle Opening Shirt! Kinda ingenious, yeah? I’m fully expecting to see one in action at Dragon*Con this year. I’m not sure how the shirt provides enough leverage to open a bottle, but it seems to work pretty well in the YouTube video that ThinkGeek posted.




Look no further, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Hide Your Arms has compiled a list of 202 Star Wars shirts that would keep any geek clothed for a very long time.

202 Star Wars T-Shirts


R2 Leia Vacuum T-Shirt.

Now, I can see the potential anti-woman issues that people might have with this shirt, but overall, I think it’s pretty funny.

T-Shirt Bordello



Howdy and welcome to Affinitee! This is a blog about t-shirts. Shirts that are geeky, ironic, or just plain amusing to me. Several people encouraged me to start such a blog, seeing as I have amassed quite a collection of t-shirts. Please enjoy and feel free to send me links to shirts that I might want to post.